One Body, One Faith
Basic Doctrines
One Body, One Faith
New birth is a personal experience which depends on a personal decision made by the sinner to repent from his/her life of sin and believe in the Lord Jesus as his/her only Savior. But starting with the new birth, the sinner notices that God included him/her in the family of faith, in the Church, that is the Body of Christ. He/she notices that there are several members, but that all of them have a profitable function for the common edification, for there are no useless members.
The new believer notices that the Holy Spirit operates in the Church through the 9 spiritual gifts (I Cor. 12:10-13) and the 5 ministries (Eph. 5:11) for the edification of the whole body and that all these operations of the Holy Spirit are necessary for the edification of all the members.
This chapter compiles testimonials regarding the benefits received by believers through the performance of the Body in a biblically structured Church. It will demonstrate that not only the members of the local churches benefit from the Body, but also that the pastors themselves receive blessings resulting from the fellowship with the local church, and with pastors of other local churches.