The Prophetic Moment
Basic Doctrines
The Prophetic Moment
We live the prophetic moment that closely precedes the Lord Jesus’ return in glory to rapture His Church. We do not know the day, or the time, but we have to discern the signs of the times. In order for us to understand the prophetic moment in which we live, the Lord Jesus spoke of so many signs in his Prophetic Sermon and in the book of Revelation.
We understand that, as Jesus’ bride, the Church will be watchful in the moment the Lord returns, with their lamps filled with oil, that is, filled with the Holy Spirit, for besides having been baptized with the Spirit, the faithful servants of the Lord fill themselves constantly with the Spirit (Eph. 5:18-21).
In this prophetic moment, the Church must preach the Gospel of Jesus with power and the Word must be followed by signs that confirm it. Hence the need of the Church to seek the baptism with the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8) and the spiritual gifts. The manifestations of spiritual gifts – prophecy, word of knowledge, miracles, healings – are used by the Lord to demonstrate to the world that Jesus is alive.
Besides proclaiming that the Lord Jesus is alive, the Church has the great responsibility to announce that He will return shortly! Martin Luther declared that the Church should live as if Jesus had died yesterday, resurrected today and would return tomorrow! Maranatha! Oh come, Lord Jesus!