The Direction of the Spirit
Basic Doctrines
The Direction of the Spirit
This chapter compiles the testimonials about the operation of the Holy Spirit in the Churches leading them to all truth (John 15), transmitting the orientations from the Lord Jesus for the direction of the Church, thus allowing the Lord Jesus to be manifest as the true Head of His Body, ruling over the Church. The results of the obedience to the orientations given by the Lord through the spiritual gifts will be reported, in terms of edification of the Church.
These testimonials will show how the Lord Jesus is the best ruler of His Church and how Hiss plans for the edification of the Church are better than the plans of the “great servants of God.” We hope that these testimonials will serve as encouragement for the pastors to seek the direction of the Holy Spirit for their ministries and for the Church.
Through these testimonials, it will be possible to perceive better how the Lord Jesus is alive in the midst of the faithful church and how His words are fulfilled even today, reproducing in our times the similar reports of the Acts of the Apostles: “Whosoever believes in me will do the works that I do and even greater ones.” “The Lord confirming the preaching of the Word through signs that followed.” (Por favor confira as citações)